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seek Purpose

  find Purpose

    fulfill Purpose

Does Your Life Have Meaning?

A life of purpose is a life with meaning. When you know your life has meaning, you are more likely to feel satisfied. More likely to be content. More likely to be happy. More likely to find serenity.

If we inspect the past seeking to find the Purpose, and we see the truth that all events have a Purpose, we can hang on to that knowledge in hard times making the present a little more bearable. If we know how to find the Purpose in events and happenings, we are better able to accept, overcome, and recover from failure, adversity, and tragedy.

The Serenity Prayer: "Lord grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Strength to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."

Understanding the concept of Purpose, understanding the reality that there is a Purpose, and on occasion reinforcing that understanding by finding Purpose, can help attain that Serenity and that Courage.

Find Purpose. Find Meaning.

Bill playing harmonica

Meet Bill

Direct from Bill: "As a speaker, I have two overriding goals. In addition to providing powerful, realistic, and actionable information to your audience, I also strive to be the easiest and most reliable speaker you have ever worked with. (And I'll probably bring you donuts.)"

Bill speaks from the heart about his lifelong search for, and eventual discovery of, purpose and meaning in life. Based on his journey from being a Marine, to an outlaw biker, and from spending a decade in prison to being an extreme sport professional and serial entrepreneur. Bill uses the skills gained from 25 years of training and public speaking to share his message of hope and his tangible roadmap to finding the purpose in our lives and to living a life of meaning.

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