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In-Person and Virtual Topics

Bill is currently offering the following keynote talks. Each presentation can be geared toward Adults or Young Adults, and can be either Faith or Secular focused. After a pre-event conference between Bill and key leadership, the content will be further customized for your specific audience to better meet your goals and objectives. Bill always makes it a point to arrive early and stay late to meet and mingle with the attendees.

Bill also offers limited workshops and mentoring.

Finding Purpose

Through personal stories and anecdotes drawn from his own life, Bill shows that all events in our lives have purpose and therefore give our lives meaning.

Your attendees will leave with:

  • an understanding that their life has meaning
  • a roadmap to help them discover purpose in their own lives
  • an understanding of how to accept, overcome, and recover from failure, adversity, and tragedy.

Purpose in Youth

Just because someone is not an adult with years of disappointment behind them, doesn't mean they don't question if life is worth the pain. They want to know if life gets easier. This talk presents the Find Purpose, Find Meaning concept in a way that is relatable and pertinent to teens and young adults, and provides them with actionable steps to begin to find Purpose in their own lives. It uses real-world examples and anecdotes familiar to the age group and features an extended Q&A period where Bill responds to their individual, specific events to show where the Purpose might be found.

Your attendees will leave with:

  • an understanding that their life has meaning
  • a roadmap to help them discover purpose in their own lives
  • an understanding of how to accept, overcome, and recover from grief, tragedy, and failure.

Coping with Grief and Tragedy through Purpose

No event makes it harder to find Purpose and good than the loss of a loved one. Being so close to it, so directly impacted by the tragedy, clouds our vision and can blind us to the possibility that good may come of it. Bill acknowledges this and discusses how to work through it to either find or create Purpose in the most tragic of events.

Your attendees will leave with:

  • an understanding that all events have Purpose
  • a a roadmap to help them discover purpose in the tragedies in their lives
  • a new way to appreciate an understanding of how to accept, overcome, and recover from grief and tragedy.

Focusing Out

Often people think their situation should make life good, but still struggle and feel they're missing the good life. Bill shows how changing our focus from inward to out can allow us to better appreciate the life we have.

Your attendees will leave with:

  • an understanding that focusing inward limits our ability to realize true satisfaction
  • a new way to view their accomplishments, achievements, and rewards
  • a new way to appreciate what they have in life

Find Purpose
Find Opportunity

People that have attended Finding Purpose and want to further their understanding, learn how to use their understanding of Purpose to discover and optimize the opportunities their Purpose brings.

Your attendees will leave with:

  • a guide to discovering the opportunities that accompany fulfilling purpose
  • an ability to find and exploit previously hidden opportunities
  • an appreciation for the hidden opportunities that surround us

The Fall and Rise of
Tequila Bill

A deeper dive into Bill's life story, from Marine to outlaw biker to prisoner to successful entrepreneur, focusing on the many points of Purpose along the way, and the many benefits Bill received as a result of fulfilling Purpose.

Your attendees will leave with:

  • an in depth exposure to the countless benefits found in a real-life bad situation
  • an awareness that positive things can be found in negative events
  • an expanded ability to find the good in real-world bad happenings